An interested and motivated student – a mission possible?

A student who is studying only for a diploma is a frequent sight in our high schools. However, it does not mean that there is no other way. Students can actually become interested and motivated. Yet what is a successful formula for motivation of students and growing of professional specialists? One of the ways is to supplement [...]

An interested and motivated student – a mission possible?2017-11-29T21:50:57+02:00

The best ideas for the program “Futurepreneurs” have been selected

The youth entrepreneurship promotion programme "Futurepreneurs", being implemented in Lithuania for the first time, has ended. During the final event 21 team participating in "Futurepreneurs" presented their business ideas and the results of participation in the program for nearly 3 months - the future startups. Most participants participating in the program have been addressing the [...]

The best ideas for the program “Futurepreneurs” have been selected2017-11-29T21:50:10+02:00

B. Van Schijndel: Futurepreneurs will help to create business that could change the world

The mentor of the project Futurepreneurs Bram Van Schijndel says that Futurepreneurs is a perfect project for young people to learn how to be an impact driven entrepreneurs. „Futurepreneurs – impact driven entrepreneurs who are building a better world through the business. This means that in everything they do, they focus on solving sustainability problems [...]

B. Van Schijndel: Futurepreneurs will help to create business that could change the world2017-11-24T08:01:15+02:00

Boys are more willing to create future startups than girls

Today (February 22) for the first time in Lithuania was launched an international entrepreneurship incentive project „Futurepreneurs“. The desire to participate and create an environmentally friendly, the greatest problems of the mankind solving startups brought more than 600 young people from all over Lithuania. The programme organized by Sunrise Valley Science and Technology Park (“Saulėtekio [...]

Boys are more willing to create future startups than girls2017-11-24T08:00:44+02:00

Logistics and transport industry needs to invest in startups

Traditionally, there have been few technology startups in the logistics sector, which relies heavily on capital-intensive assets like ships, trucks, and airplanes. Technological innovations, however, are dramatically shaping global business and the transport and logistics industry should not be left behind. Recent statistics show record levels of investment in logistics-focused technology startups during 2016, which [...]

Logistics and transport industry needs to invest in startups2017-11-24T07:49:44+02:00